AI-Generated Detector
Identify musical tracks generated by AI models
Audio-as-a-Service for accessible, efficient and scalable audio developments.
Used by the world's best companies
The one-stop shop able to empower
creative industries and developers
An unparalleled range of
high-quality algorithms in the audio field.
Through our store developers and creative industries alike can leverage IRCAM-Centre Pompidou audio lab’s best-in-class research for innovation, tailored to real use cases, easily and seamlessly integrated into their workflow
Audio-as-a-Service sandbox
Unlock the power of audio editing and analysis AI through our new feature, making it easier than ever to leverage our cutting-edge algorithms. From voice and music processing and metadata to handy tools, pick and choose the modules to integrate into your workflow directly from your user dashboard.
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Fast and seamless integration into your app, software, or supply chain.
Used by the world's best companies
Major upgrade to our metadata tagging engine that dives deep into subgenres and complete instrumentation,...
From music classification to AI music models' footprints, we unveil the paths followed in the...
Our team attended the music industry event of the year, where the surge in consumer...
Discover the power of Talk Analyzer, our advanced speech analysis tool that transforms vocal recordings...
Unveil the magic of spatial audio—experience sound like never before. Learn about its origins, production...
Experience pristine vocal isolation like never before with our revamped Vocal Separator module. We've refined...
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