AI Music Detector
Secure a fair and transparent environment for music consumption on streaming platforms. We're proud to present the first-of-is-kind tool to tag AI-generated tracks at scale, empowering the music stakeholders to bring the balance between artificial and genuine creation.

Our expertise
Multiple music AI models support
Our algorithm is able to detect the patterns that each model inevitably follows, even the most advanced.
Automated AI-generated music detection
For digital streaming platforms, download stores, distributors, PROs/CMOs, publishers, and record labels to take action
Extreme performance
We detect AI-made musical track with 98,5% accuracy
Confidence score
Personalize your threshold for manual check according to your workflow
Easily integrated into your supply chain to scan thousands a day new tracks stream
AI-generated music is flooding the streaming platforms
Automated detection is the one-and-only weapon the industry needs to tag these tracks as such, before taking action

Try before you
Our free trial awaits, you can take a complete ride, no credit card required.
Pay as you go
The best way to start at your own pace.
Only pay for what you use.
Billed at month end.
Usage capped at 500 credits per month.
Best valueUp to 50% off through recurring usage.
No time commitment.
Fee payable in advance.
Flexibly change your tier at any time.
For off package credits, a 25% markup will apply.
Tailored to your enterprise grade needs.
Custom pricing based on volume.
Priority support.
No concurrent processing restriction.
No usage cap.
Start your
integration now
Fast and seamless integration into your app, software, or supply chain.