
AI Re-editor

Instant artistic-proof shortened edit of an audio track. Our editing AI generates a shortened version to match your audio-video project's target duration while keeping the flow, dynamics, and the undeniable characteristics of the track, to invariably preserve the artistic intention, despite the time constraint.

Audio shortener

Up to 4x times shorter edit

We guided several algorithms from IRCAM groundbreaking AI models onto a dedicated path, to remove the sections with the least impact and rearrange the most meaningful ones seamlessly to craft the most loyal shortened version. Then we go either the quality or duration way, serving different objectives.

AI audio shortener

For online video studios, social sharing platforms, music libraries, record labels, music publishers, and download stores.

Audio shortener

Quality priority

For a shortened version that focuses on reproducing the artistic intention exactly, matching approximately the target duration.

Audio shortener

Time priority

For a shortened version that will match exactly the target duration, making the necessary compromises in the original track's reproduction.

Audio shortener

All-in-one download

All versions created are returned to the user to pick and choose or store for later use.

Keep it short, audio must follow

Short video format is the new black, wether it's on social sharing platforms or corporate and B2B video marketing. Audio tracks used must be edited accordingly and not merely trimmed to reinforce the message.


Try before you

Our free trial awaits, with 10 credits on sign-up you can take a complete ride, no credit card required.

Pay as you go

The best way to start at your own pace.

Only pay for what you use.

Billed at month end.

Usage capped at 500 credits per month.


Best value

Up to 50% off through recurring usage.

No time commitment.

Fee payable in advance.

Flexibly change your tier at any time.

For off package credits, a 25% markup will apply.


Tailored to your enterprise grade needs.

Custom pricing based on volume.

Priority support.

No concurrent processing restriction.

No usage cap.

Start your
integration now

Fast and seamless integration into your app, software, or supply chain.