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Ircam amplify & LVMH Innovation Award

Ircam Amplify won LVMH Innovation award at VivaTech

We won the "Image & Media For Brand Desirability" award at VivaTech, Europe's largest startup...

Indie labels get Dolby Atmos boost

Indie labels get Dolby Atmos boost

Affordable high-quality Dolby Atmos now available to A2IM members

Cherry Red Records x Ircam amplify

Our 3D audio Beta Program: Cherry Red Records testimony

Cherry Red Records shares their positive experience with our 3D audio Beta Program, highlighting its...

A2IM Member spotlight for spatial audio beta program

A2IM Member spotlight for spatial audio beta program

Ircam Amplify announces the launch of its groundbreaking Beta program, providing digital music companies with...

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